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Sharing the Bread of Life

Yesterday, during our worship service we looked at John 6 and Jesus’ identity as the Bread of Life. That Jesus is the Bread of Life means that he sustains us and fulfills us. Jesus, the Bread of Life, is also meant to be shared with others. We can do this as we meet people’s physical needs, but we also need to meet their spiritual needs as well.


Next week’s sermon from John 8 will be a bit of a challenge. John 8 describes a long “discussion” (it might be better to call it an argument) between Jesus and the Jewish leaders. As we continue to think about who is Jesus? the title of this sermon is that “He is Troubler.” Jesus has no problem confronting and correcting the religious leaders when they are in error. The difficult thing for us as followers of Jesus is to be able to know when and how to confront wrong thinking and wrong action.


Remember that next Sunday evening at 5:30pm will be our Chili Challenge. I hope you are making plans to attend, and I hope you are also inviting some others to join you. It shoud be a good time of fun and fellowship.


I mentioned yesterday that I’d been under-the-weather last week. There are lots of people who are sick with various seasonal viruses. Continue to pray for healing.


Hope to see you Sunday!


God bless, Brian


Scripture readings for next Sunday

John 8:21-30—What makes it difficult for those in this passage to understand who Jesus is?

1 Kings 18:16-24—Why do you think Elijah is called “troubler of Israel” here?

John 8:48-59—How would you describe the basis of the disagreement here?


Acts 19:23-41—What had Paul done to stir up trouble in Ephesus?





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