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Nice Weather

The weather today makes me look forward to Spring. Plans are beginning to ramp up toward the relief sale with the supper coming up. Before long it will be pie day and the sale itself will be here.


Also remember our Chili Challenge on February 16. That’s less that two weeks away now, so make sure to sign up if you want to bring some of your chili, or if you’d like to make a side dish or dessert as well. Chili Challenge forms go to Steve Dennis or Rick Boschulte. The sign-up sheet to bring something else is on a table in the Fellowship Hall. This would be a great thing to invite a friend along to.


Next week we’ll be considering an account from John’s Gospel that is told in all four gospels—the Feeding of the 5,000. We’ll be focused on what Jesus means when he says that he is the Bread of Life.


Continue to pray for the many who are on our prayer list. We had a few added yesterday, so make sure to pay attention to the updated list. Quite a few are just under-the-weather in this season. Let’s be praying for them as well.


God bless!



Scripture readings for next Sunday

John 6:25-34—What is the connection between Jesus’ sign and the people in the wilderness?


John 6:35-42—Why does Jesus’ claim results in an argument about his identity?


Exodus 16:1-18—What do we learn from God providing manna for his people?


2 Corinthians 9:6-11—What do you learn from this passage?








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