Fifth of July
Just a short note today to say that I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I heard good reports from the Danvers Band Concert on Saturday. Others were at parades. We cooked out. It was a nice day to be outside—a bit on the warm side, but there was a good breeze that kept it nice. Then, of course, fireworks in the evening. I didn’t see many, but I sure heard a lot from my back porch! It was nice to be able to get together with some others and enjoy the day.
Remember that our turn to provide the food at the band concert is coming up on July 18th. There are still some things that are needed and we could use a few more workers, so be sure to sign up.
If you’d like to help out with the worship service—Scripture reading, or worship leader—be sure to let Cala or me know.
Special thanks to Sandi Bidner who provided the beautiful flowers yesterday.
Continue to pray for one another—again it seems like there are a lot of needs out there just now.
God bless, Brian
Scriptures for next Sunday
1 Corinthians 6—What do you think this passage teaches us about our rights?
Deuteronomy 1:9-18—What do you think makes a good “judge”?
Luke 6:27-42—How should we apply Jesus’ teaching in our lives?
Romans 12:9-16—Which part of this passage do you most need to work on in your own life?