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Do You Want to Get Well?

John 5 gives us the account of Jesus healing a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. There are many details in this story to note. The man was lying next to a pool where tradition said he might receive healing. What I want to focus on today is the question Jesus asks the man. Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?” On the surface, that seems like a strange question. Does a paralyzed man want to get well and be able to walk? Of course, he would! Wasn’t he already at a place that he thought could make him well? Why do you think Jesus asked the man this question?


I don’t know that I have the best answer to why Jesus would have asked. It does make me wonder how we might answer if Jesus would ask us, “Do you want to get well?” I’m not only talking about physical illnesses or problems, although for some of us that might be our primary concern. What other things might we want to be well? Perhaps our emotional states, or our relationships. Maybe our families or our financial situations. We can get very used to our problems, sometimes. While being a paralytic for 38 years would have certainly been a problem, it was the majority of what this man knew of his life. Imagine that! Almost four decades of illness!


The good news is that Jesus does want us to be well. Let me be quick to say I’m not promoting a “health and wealth” gospel by saying that. I’m not promising that God always answers prayers the way we want them to be answered. That would be to ignore to much of the experience we see around us. Jesus teaches in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” (NIV). Jesus wants us to have full lives that are focused on life-giving things rather than things that steal, kill, and destroy. How would you answer if Jesus said, “Do you want to get well?”


We held our Annual Meeting yesterday. Thanks to the small, but dedicated group that stayed. Between the illnesses going around and some who had either travel plans or other obligations, there were several who would normally have been there that were unable to be. As I said yesterday, thank you to our Church Board—both outgoing members and those who’ve agreed to serve. Thank you to our Ministry Team and all of the teams of volunteers that they represent. We are blessed by those who are willing to give of their time and talents to continue the work of North Danvers Mennonite Church.


Can I encourage you to continue to look for opportunities to build relationships and to invite others to join us here?


I hope and pray for God’s continued blessed on NDMC.


God bless all of you,



Scripture readings for next Sunday

John 4:1-26—What stands out to you about Jesus’ interactions with the woman at the well?


Psalm 103—What does this psalm of David teach us about God’s compassion?


Matthew 9:35-38—What do we learn about being a disciple from this passage?


Colossians 3:12-17—What does it look like to be “clothed with compassion”?




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