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Devote Yourselves to Prayer

We have one more week left in our series on the book of Colossians and the sermon will be focused on prayer. Paul concludes his letter by asking the Christians in Colossae to pray for him. Specifically, he writes: “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should,” (Colossians 4:3-4, NIV). Paul’s prayer request is about the gospel being proclaimed. While there are many things that we can and should pray for, we should be devoted to praying that God’s mission is accomplished.

Yesterday’s worship service was not able to be live streamed because of an issue with our internet provider. If the internet is working correctly today, I should be able to upload the service from yesterday which we were able to record. Everything else was working fine.

Remember that in two weeks we’ll be having an outdoor service at Funk’s Grove followed by a picnic. We’ll be providing pulled pork as well as iced tea and lemonade, so bring another dish to share.

The following week we’ll be attending the Danvers Days worship service. The Danvers Baptist Church has sent out information that the service will be held at 9:30am with a concert by the Chitans and a brunch following.

Since you have your calendar out, go ahead and put down that our Fall Kickoff Sunday will be September 10th. So Sunday School will restart then and we’ll resume our normal schedule. Why don’t you invite a friend to come with you that Sunday!

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Colossians 4:2-18—What do you notice about prayer in this passage? Psalm 142—How do you imagine David’s emotions as he writes this prayer to God?

James 5:13-20—What do we learn about prayer here?

Luke 11:1-13—What does Jesus teach us about prayer here?


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