Chili Challenge
Last night we had a great turn-out for the North Danvers Chili Challenge. About 50 people sampled 10 entries for best chili and a large number or side dishes and desserts as well. Amber Brandt prevailed in a close competition for the best chili. Thanks to all who participated, all who brought chili and sides. Thanks to the cleanup crew also. It was especially nice to see a good number of guests at this event. Special thanks to Rick Boschulte and Steve Dennis for coordinating.
I mentioned yesterday that Eastern Kentucky has been hit by another round of flooding that is on par with what they experienced back it 2022. Southwestern Virginia and Southern Indiana have been affected as well. Pray for those who have been affected and pray as well for those who are putting themselves in a place to help with the recovery.
We’ll be looking at John 9 next week during our worship service. It’s another long chapter, but it is an interestingly told story of Jesus healing a blind man. What is especially interesting is the way that Jesus puts mud on his eyes and sends him away to wash. It’s only then that he’s able to see. Jesus could (and did) perform healing in a number of ways—including at a distance. It’s a worth thinking about why he may have healed this man in this way.
The temperature has dropped on us, so be careful and stay safe. Hope to see you all on Sunday morning, and bring a long a friend or two!
God bless,
Scripture readings for next Sunday
John 9:1-12—Why do you think Jesus performed this miracle in this way?
2 Kings 6:11-20—How are seeing and blindness used in this passage?
John 9:35-41—When Jesus talks about blindness and seeing here, what does he mean?
2 Corinthians 4:7-18—What does this teach us about seeing with faith?