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Lowell and Sheri Glick

Remember that Lowell and Sheri Glick will be sharing with us about their mission this coming Sunday, and Lowell will be preaching our morning sermon. It is also one of the Sundays that we as a congregation take an offering for the Glicks work. First, if at all possible, try to be at NDMC for this special Sunday. Secondly, will you pray this week about what you’d like to give to bless the Glicks in a special way. I’d like them to leave lifted by our love and encouragement as well as encouraged financially. Finally, invite everyone you can think of to come and share in this special time.

Darvin and Kathy Miller and Josanne and I will be travelling to Columbus, Ohio for the annual meeting of the Central District Conference. Will you pray for our travel and also that we represent this congregation well. This also means that I will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday. You should still be able to get ahold of me by cell phone. Josanne and I will be back for Sunday’s service.

I promised in my sermon the link to the video I shared so you can look at it in more detail. Here’s the link: The Spread of the Gospel. You can read in the comments under the video some of the rationale used in this production. Like I said, I would quibble with some of the details, but agree with the overall message.

I hope you have a great week!

God bless,


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