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“I am doing a new thing”

It was so good to have Rich and Gloria Bucher with us yesterday. Rich gave the message as Bishop Joseph Stuckey who was one of the forebears of North Danvers Mennonite Church and who had a profound effect on the direction of our congregation. If you weren’t here, I encourage you to click on the link elsewhere in this E-gram and listen to it. Bishop Stuckey’s (Rich’s) message to us was challenging and timely. It was a reminder that sometimes God takes us unexpected places in our lives, but if we follow God his work will be accomplished through us. It’s amazing to think that Bishop Stuckey’s faithfulness continues to have an influence on us today.

The text Rich chose for his message was very appropriate. In part it reads:

“Forget the former things;

do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV 2011)

The challenge of this passage is to realize that while we celebrate what those who have come before us have done, we cannot rest on those accomplishments. We recognize that God’s redemptive work continues and he calls this generation to be as faithful and as ready to serve as were our forebears. If the Lord tarries, what will be said about those who carry on the legacy of NDMC today? We are certainly not here only for ourselves. We give and serve selflessly and tirelessly on behalf of those who need to be drawn closer to God both now, and those who will come in the future.

I will be out of the office this Wednesday in trying to get the last of Bethany’s things moved out of her apartment in Lexington, KY. Don’t hesitate to call me, if you have a need or a question.

Many thanks to those who participated in the Habitat for Humanity build on Saturday. There are a couple of other opportunities later this year if you’d like to sign up. Those who participated had a great time serving.

There’s also an opportunity for us to serve at the Midwest Food Bank this Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm. You can contact Cindy Novakow for a form to fill out if you’d like to join in.

Remember that we’ll have another special time on June 26th as the Glicks, our missionaries to Mexico, share with us.

God bless,


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