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Fourth Day of Christmas

Just a short E-Gram on this morning of the fourth day of Christmas. Josanne and I missed being with you yesterday, but we have enjoyed spending time in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky with Josanne’s family. Today we travel to Indianapolis for a short celebration with my family. I hope and pray that many of you have had the opportunity to celebrate with friends and family. There’s something nice about all being together—telling the old stories, as well as catching up on what is new.

I heard several good things about the Christmas Eve service. Many thanks to Louise Bowen for coordinating that service, as well as thanks to all who participated. I also appreciate those who participated in the Sunday service yesterday in my absence. I hope and pray that it was a meaningful time of reflecting on Christmas.

To prepare you, for the next two weeks of the New Year on Sunday morning I’ll be preaching a short series on our vision for the year ahead. The two sermons are titled “What do you see?” and they’ll be challenging us once again to discern God’s will for this congregation. For what unique purpose has God brought together the very specific and special group of people who make up North Danvers Mennonite Church? I’ll be challenging us all to devote ourselves to prayer for our church in 2016. In addition to time with family, I have been spending time myself praying about and thinking about the year to come. There are some sermons and some series coming up in the New Year that I’ll be very excited to share with you.

I hope your celebrations continue, as we continue the Christmas season. Josanne and I look forward to being back with you next Sunday, and I’ll be back in the office on Wednesday morning.

God bless!


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