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Encourage One Another

When God’s people gather for worship, it is always encouraging to me. We share our fears and our struggles as well as our joys and victories. We join our hearts and voices in praising the eternal God. Yesterday we heard stories of how God is working locally through the Gideon’s. Sometimes we hear stories of what God is doing around the world as his kingdom advances. We listen together to God’s Word proclaim, and seek to understand how to apply these eternal truths to our lives in our current context.

There is something else that Josanne and I have commented on several times that we noticed again yesterday. We find the fellowship time after the service so encouraging. One of the things that Josanne and I love about North Danvers Mennonite Church is how much you all enjoy being together! Yesterday particularly we noticed the laughter, and the chatter after the service. People stayed around swapping stories and listening to what’s happening in one another’s lives. This is part of how we can truly be a Christian community and share in true fellowship with one another. Paul wrote to the church in Rome: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:15-16a, NIV 2011). We love that North Danvers is a place where we want to share in one another’s lives. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of this community!

Remember the youth service project next Sunday after the worship service. The young people will be serving a meal and receiving donations to go toward the child they sponsor through Compassion. Also make sure to mark on your calendars the Hanging of the Green service on November 29th. We’ll be meeting at 4pm to decorate the Church building. There will be a soup and sandwich supper to follow, and then we’ll gather in the sanctuary for a short service to kick off the Advent season. I believe that you’ll find yourself blessed by this time together.

God bless!


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