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God Is At Work

God is at work

God is at work! This is the title of the new sermon series that will begin next Sunday. We’ll be exploring the book of 1 Samuel, and see that God works in a number of different ways among his people. Some ways that are quite unexpected. I hope that from this series we’ll see more and more the way that God is at work in our midst as well—sometimes in unexpected ways.

We can see God is at work in the young people who were such a big part of yesterday’s Sunday School kickoff. Sunday morning was full of activity, excitement and noise! The noisy offering that was taken up for God’s Little Acre Preschool was a lot of fun. The young people led songs during the worship service. They also engaged in a service project by packing school kits that will be sent to several different places around the world. It’s great to see the young people putting their faith in action! Thanks to the Outreach team for all of their hard work on this project. Thanks also to the Education team and all of those who coordinated the kickoff service.

This is a great time to invite others to come and visit North Danvers Mennonite Church. There’s lots of activity, and lots of ways to get involved.

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